Privacy Notice

Winchfield Village Hall is a Registered Charity No. 256020, in England.

For data protection purposes we are the ‘data controller’ of the personal data that you give us.

Our address is: Station Hill, Winchfield, Hook, Hants RG27 8BX.

We have a website and we use internet banking. Contact is via email or telephone to members of the Management Committee who are all trustees of the charity.

Bookings are managed by a proprietary computerized system called Hallmaster

Our Commitment to You

We are committed to protecting your privacy and to complying with the Data Protection laws in the UK. In consequence, we collect the minimum amount of information about you that is commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service.

What is the purpose and legal basis for us to collect your personal data?

The main purpose is to identify our users to enable us to deliver to you the services of the hall which you request. We may send you, by email, confirmation of your bookings, invoices, information concerning the operations of the hall which may conflict with your bookings i.e. power cut, major maintenance etc.

What personal data will be collected?

This includes your name, telephone number, email address and bank account details. This will be retained within the Hallmaster booking system and not "processed” as defined in the GDPR i.e. it will not be passed to any third party without your consent, but only used for the purposes referred to above. The Village Hall does not have a computer and email addresses are held on the server of the trustee to whom the email was addressed and in the Hallmaster system where details are only available to approved administrators. Bank account details are only retained to allow repayment of deposits and in the Hallmaster system where details are only available to approved administrators. Telephone numbers, which are in the public domain via directories and search engines, are held in the Hallmaster system.

Who will receive your personal data?

Your personal data will be received by the Hallmaster system and managed by the administrator within the system. We do not give anyone else access to personal data unless we are required to by law or the access is for our own trustees. If we wish to process your personal data for purposes other than those specified in this notice, we will notify you with relevant information and, if necessary, seek your consent.

How long will we keep your personal data?

Until you ask us in writing to delete your personal data, we will keep it to enable us to contact you as mentioned earlier in this notice.

What are your rights?

You have the right to:

1. ask us in writing for details of the personal data that we hold on you.

2. require us to rectify any errors

3. have your personal data deleted if there is no reason for its continued storage.

4. lodge a complaint about the data controller with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office).

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you want to know what information we have collected about you, please email us.